
Aug 14, 2012

Australia Term Deposit AMP Bank

Term Deposit Rates Australia: Australia Term Deposit AMP Bank

From Term Deposit Rates Australia

In this month of 2012 at Term Deposit Rates Australia, we share details of Australia Term Deposit AMP Bank.

Australia Term Deposit AMP Bank:

Term | Interest Rates
180 days to less than 210 days   = 4.65% p.a.
270 days to less than 300 days   = 4.60% p.a.
1 year to less than 2 years = 4.60% p.a.
18 months = 4.60% p.a.
2 years to less than 3 years = 4.60% p.a.
3 years to less than 4 years = 4.60% p.a.
5 years = 5.10% p.a.

For deposits of $5,000 to less than $25,000

We hope you find our Term Deposit Rates Australia useful and of interest to you.


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