Term Deposit Rates Australia: Australia Term Deposit AMP Bank
From Term Deposit Rates Australia |
In this month of 2012 at Term Deposit Rates Australia, we share details of Australia Term Deposit AMP Bank.
Australia Term Deposit AMP Bank:
Term | Interest Rates
180 days to less than 210 days = 4.65% p.a.
270 days to less than 300 days = 4.60% p.a.
1 year to less than 2 years = 4.60% p.a.
18 months = 4.60% p.a.
2 years to less than 3 years = 4.60% p.a.
3 years to less than 4 years = 4.60% p.a.
5 years = 5.10% p.a.
For deposits of $5,000 to less than $25,000
We hope you find our Term Deposit Rates Australia useful and of interest to you.
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